I had an interesting discussion yesterday with the BBT...
res·o·nate (rz-nt)
1. To exhibit or produce resonance or resonant effects.
2. To evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief: "It is a demonology [that] seems to resonate among secular and religious voters alike" (Tamar Jacoby).
3. To correspond closely or harmoniously: "Symbolism matters, especially if the symbols resonate with the larger message" (William Greider).
This is my new word.
when you actually read it, it really doesn't make much sense... but to have a feeling resonate... is something that is very hard, if not impossible to explain.
that is how I am going to judge what I do from now on. if it resonates when I am thinking about it, then it is not a bad thing.
now this obviously isnt the case for every situation, but for some reason having something to hold up to situations really gives me calm.
I know I know... hippy much?
Im not much of a yoga person. this is as close as im willing to get.
I was thinking recently about finding a new MANTRA
anybody have any ideas for a good mantra? I used to have a mantra for running. its on my old blog. I seriously love my old blog, but just about every post was about BOYS. so ignore the second part... but read my old mantra...
I like that one... but it doesnt apply to my life as much right now. anyone have any ideas?
I will pick faves (If i get any ideas) and make a poll?
my mantra right now is ... you only get one life, make it the best life. on my personal blog a wrote a whole thing about this the other day!