Wednesday, January 6, 2010


seriously, can I vent for a second??

oh yeah, my blog.

suck it up!

I HATE not bieng able to go to a gym. I mean, I WORK at a hard is it to EXERCISE!? well, I guess the main problem is the gym that I work at doesnt open untill March. yeah...thats an issue. secondly im a huge gym snob! T and I went to look for a gym we could go to for the next few months, and everything wasn't....GOODLIFE!

siiigh...something will have to work until then.

I need to exercise! does T (dont tell him I said so...not like I DONT tell him ;) im the biggest exercise promoter) but I need to get my but in gear and be an example!

T doesnt need to work out... we both just need to diet a a horrible a social EATER!! ha ha...this is our fave thing to do...

I got a few one week gym passes so im covered for a bit... but


my body needs to move!


where are you when i NEED YOUUUUU!




  1. hmmm social eating, where would that have come from?? lol. "Oh you will be here at 11:00 pm I will cook a roast"

  2. I missssssssssssssssss you too. :(
