Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hey Team!
okay, so i know its been forever since the last post. im sorry! we're sorry!
since the last post there was a little...well...drama. surprising when getting ready for a wedding? I don't think so.
so after some hard times, we decided to push the wedding back. dates pending. but right now were thinking in August...7th?

And to be frank, I like that date a lot better. It gives us time to be engaged and have that special time that really, you only have once together. so lets make the most of it.
I think we can all agree that everything in life is a learning experience. And with relationships sometimes its an "on the go" type of learning, fast paced, and tough. You really need to censor what you say to your significant other... why say something hurtful to someone you WANT to spend the rest of your life with? Once again, life teaches you that tough "life lesson", but you just have to take it in stride, and ensure that it does not happen again.
I personally hate drama, and hope with the date change and now MOVE, there will be little to none. Yea that's right, were moving. Rachel and I have been apartment hunting for ourselves for the past 5 days, and have recently been approved for a nice little 650 square foot apartment on the top floor of a building that takes pets... more importantly they take dogs!

I found a small room in the south end of Edmonton in a house that is so cluttered it makes me sick, but it is month to month, cheap, good location for me, and furnished. Not much else i could ask for at the moment. Rachel fell in love with one apartment (basically the first one we looked at) i love that about her, she knows what she wants, but is not ridiculously picky. Laid back and easy going! I love it, I love her. We are stealing what we need from our parents and going to buy the rest to accommodate us until the wedding. Where hopefully we get some sweet stuff, but most importantly.... a toaster oven.. hahaha.

I recently quit my job working for Mainstreet, great job! It filled my time and re focused me and reminded me that I love a good days work. Thank you Rach for that swift kick in the butt help motivate me.

Rachel and I have jobs in Edmonton working for my Uncle Jack, who runs a large landscaping company. We will be labourers and working the lovely and amazing 8am - 8pm grind. The overtime will be very much appreciated. Just going to throw this out there, but we were also thinking of asking Jack to marry us... we have talked about it, and I believe will go forward with it... but just need to ask him now.

Now in between these crazy times we have had some good times with the gang, including a day at the beach and a little bit of rafting accompanied by donuts and pizza... Then a themed party... this one was a Barbie party... here are a couple of pictures.

The beach was great, lots of sun, good food, good times, good friends... Not much else you can ask for if you ask me. Nat Craig provided the raft, Lorri the donuts, James the jokes and rowing, rachel the pizza... and I just... well hell i dont know what i did. I learned how to turn left, i think... Zoolander anyone? It was quite hot, and turns out, got to some of us for some nice sun burns to welcome us into the summer months. Then there was the theme night...

The girls dressed up, where as James, Julio, Sean and I just melted into the background and relaxed and watched them have a grand time with there costumes and take turn being in character.

Yeah its been great and not so great ere in Calgary lately...moving to Edmonton will be a welcomed change. were excited to work hard, and keep planning the wedding... oh, and of course keeping everyone posted on here! we'll get better! we promise. Bosley ATE Taylors computer cord the other were one workstation down....we still love him...bus seriously?

And so it is, another hectic time between blogs... we will keep you posted... we promise!
R. & T.

AND the Bosserley!

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