Thursday, December 17, 2009


I still have so much trouble


I have so many nights when I just lay there and listen to Taylor breathe (or

I started taking melatonin,

no dice...

I took some sedatives, and they helped for a while...

but seriously?

WHY cant I sleep?

I was reading over my old blog today, and thinking about how far I have come since this time last year! woah, im married! im getting older! im living in a different city! I have a new dog! I have some new friends, I have built and burned bridges with old ones. but overall

have I really changed that much?

what do you think?

.x.x. - R


  1. if you need sleep tips let me know and i will e-mail them to you, Mel only worked for jared for like 4 nights then stopped, we have tried alot of things as well

    let me know

  2. i think your the same Rachy, in different places. xoxox
