Tuesday, December 29, 2009



So first off, I want to gove a great big .SHOUT.OUT. to a couple of people.
every time I get on to blog,
Taylor gets on his XBox.
we all have our...things...right?
anyways, I have a couple loyal blog readers that taylor plays with...(what winners)... JK.... BANILLA and KEVIN.

tell Taylor to get off Xbox and love me.

It was a GREAT Christmas!
Boss might not agree...

anyways, we did LOTS of christmas-y(?) things...like gingerbread houses!
pajamas on Christmas Eve!!
and my personal FAVE


It has been a few years since I have been home for christmas...like, really BEEN HOME. done all the christmas stuff. While I was with the big X I avoided my family, all the time. I have spent the last 2 christmas' in B.C, and 2 in South America. thats four Good years I missed.

but my loving Hubby made sure this christmas was AWESOME. it felt so good to spend time with my family, and his, I really feel like I am a solid sister in his big family of boys (and one girl! no knocks Becca!) I felt so blessed to be where I was this year.

at home, with people I love.


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